Contributing and Community

Welcome to the Power Stack contributing guide

Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project!

Read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.


We have a community on Slack please join us here. Alternatively, you can get involved on our repo's GitHub Discussions.

Contributor types

We welcome contributions from our existing public members and new contributors.

Please find the relevant guides below:

New contributor guide

Here are some resources to help you get started with open source contributions:

Getting started

Here are the important steps to help you get started with contributing to Power Stack:

Forking the main repository

  1. To contribute without being a public member you can fork the project repository, see the Forking a repository reference
  2. Clone your forked repository into your projects folder

Create a new environment based on your forked repository

  1. Run the Install Power Stack command from the Getting started documentation and replace /powerstackdev with your GitHub username

  2. Once it has installed correctly, you will see a dashboard load in the browser (or a message in the Terminal)

  3. Login by clicking Click here to login and use the username and password found in the message in the Terminal

Solve an issue

  1. Go ahead and make your contributions to the project

Commit your update

  1. When you're ready to submit your changes, stage and commit your changes. See the Making and pushing changes reference

Create a pull request

  1. Head over to your forked GitGub repository and locate Contribute dropdown

  2. Click Open pull request

  3. GitHub will bring you to a page where you can enter a title and a description. See the Make a pull request reference

  4. Click Create pull request

Managing feedback

  1. Pull requests will be reviewed before merged by a verified owner

Public members contributor guide

This section assumes you are already part of the Power Stack organisation on GitHub

Create a new environment

  1. Run the Install Power Stack command from the Getting started documentation

  2. Once it has installed correctly, you will see a dashboard load in the browser (or a message in the Terminal)

  3. Login by clicking Click here to login and use the username and password found in the message in the Terminal

Create a new issue

  1. Navigate to Issues and click New issue

  2. Provide information and assign labels if required

  3. Under Development create a new branch for this issue

  4. The branch information will automatically be added by GitHub

Solve the issue

  1. Go ahead and make your contributions to the project

Commit your update

  1. When you're ready to submit your changes, stage and commit your changes. See the Making and pushing changes reference

Create a pull request

  1. Head over to the main GitGub repository and locate Pull requests

  2. Click on New pull request

  3. GitHub will bring you to a page where you can enter a title and a description. See the Make a pull request reference

  4. Click Create pull request

Managing feedback

  1. Pull requests will be reviewed before merged by a another member