While the project is pre-alpha, the docs may be outdated and might not fully reflect the current status of the codebase.

Known issues

A list to reference if you run into issues

Paragraphs structure requires manual configuration

Currently, when creating a new component by making a new Paragraph using the Drupal backend, it requires that you setup the field groups manually. At a later date, we will provide a module in Drupal to create these groupings automatically.

Running a Gatsby site within a Docker container

When running Gatsby within a Docker container there are few specific settings that you will need to configure otherwise you may run into unexpected behaviours. For more information refer to the

Pubkey issue with clone on install

While this repo is private, there maybe some issues cloning. If your ssh-agent for Docksal isn't loaded into the current terminal window, you'll need to initialise it first. This will sync the id_rsa key for you.

fin system reset ssh-agent